Proudly brought to you by southland trailer yacht squadron

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Southland Boat Show

Coming August 2027

Exhibitors Information

Health and Safety Policy
Southland Trailer Yacht Squadron (STYS) is committed to providing and
maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all members, assistants and
attendees at the Rock FM Southland Boat Show and to providing the
necessary information and supervision needed to achieve this.
STYS will take responsibility for health and safety procedures, however,
members, volunteers and the public need to be aware of their
responsibilities and comply with the STYS health and safety policy.
Download Rock 90.8 Southland Boat Show Health & Safety Policy 2019.pdf

Exhibitors Enquiry

Will there be fuel on boats?*
Is power required on site?*

Doug Riley

Boat Show Convenor

Phone: 027 776 0287


Boat Show Southland - Brought to you by Southland Trailer Yacht Squadron
- Designed and Developed by CSL Design